Wednesday 16 November 2016

Freelance WordPress Developer V/s Company and Development Cost

This is one of the most debated topic among the webmasters seeking help from the companies or the freelance web developers for their projects. It is a well known fact that majority of the small businesses prefer to hire the freelance WordPress developer over the companies for building their web presence. This is because it seems to be cost effective for them to hire wordpress developer India from India to complete their projects. It hold true to larger extent but if you are not putting diligent efforts in selecting the appropriate developer then you may land with many complications.   

These issues will not only devoid you from the timely completion of the project but may cost you even more then what it will cost if you seek services from a company.  These issues are as below:
Choosing the inexperienced or incompetent developer:  This is one of the biggest issues, that any of the webmasters have to face. If you are looking out for the freelance WordPress Developer then you must know what sort of professional you are looking for. If your demand is related to WordPress theme customization and you are hiring the WordPress programmer then your efforts put in hiring will be waste.  You must understand the difference between the WordPress Programmer, WordPress Developer and them designer.  This will help you in finding the appropriate manpower for your needs. 

Don’t have enough idea about the requirements: As discussed above if you don’t have the idea about the professional you are looking for the complication rises when you are not able to figure out the requirements in appropriate manner. This is a must to chart out the requirements about the project for streamlining the developments. It is advisable to read about the WordPress development and related aspects from the books so you are able to figure out the requirements more precisely. This helps in managing the project as well let you decide on the costs and the time frame for development.      
Working without a definite scope: As described you must have the clear scope of work for getting the best out of your efforts. Once you frreze on the requirements you shall make a breakup of the entire works in phases to help the developer streamline the work as well as making it easier for you to monitor the progress. Working without a definite scope will not only and you in trouble but also bring in complication regarding the incompletion of the work as well as unsatisfactory job.  

Trying to put the costs of the project too low:  First of all try to select the experienced web developer through reference and start working with a define scope and negotiate on the prices. But if you are negotiating about the price at a very low level probabilities are there that you will not get the expert person to support your developments. Therefore it is advised that you shall try to cut the cost but don’t want the work to be completed in pennies by choosing the incompetent professionals.